
Muara Karang ORF Infrastructure Maintenance

Jakarta - To improve the reliability of Muara Karang ORF (Onshore Receiving Facility) operations managed by PT Nusantara Ragas, IKG together with PT Patra Drilling Contractor (PDC) carried out maintenance work on Muara Karang ORF infrastructure in August-October 2021.

Considering that the Muara Karang ORF is an active Pertamina facility, the work is carried out with high standards of safety and security. The entire work process is well documented and every work process is carried out under strict supervision by Pertamina.

"We are proud to carry out this work considering that the Muara Karang ORF is one of the important facilities to support gas distribution, which is mainly used for the Muara Karang power plant," said Bayu Indarta, Director of IKG.

IKG Starts CYIII Pipeline Work

Kebumen - IKG started carrying out 16" pipeline work on the CYIII (Lomanis-Rewulu) Pipe Development Project for PT Nindya Karya (Persero) on September 16, 2021.

"We thank PT Nindya Karya for trusting us in carrying out this pipeline work," said IKG Site Coordinator Jorim Dodi in Kebumen.

This work is a milestone for IKG to strengthen the company as an EPCI company in Indonesia.

IKG Implements Lampung - Bekasi Pipeline Transportation

Lampung - IKG Conducts 20" Pipe Transportation from SEAPI Bakauheni Factory, heading to Patra Paint Workshop in Bantar Gebang, Bekasi.

Pipe deliveries are carried out with high safety and security standards, so that work can be carried out smoothly and there are no work accidents.

This pipeline transportation is part of a series of works for which Patra Paint will then carry out painting work, and then send it back to Cilacap, Central Java in the context of the CYIII Project.

IKG Receives Award from Astra Credit Company (ACC)

Jakarta - IKG surprisingly received appreciation from Astra Credit Company (ACC) as ACC Corporate Customer Fatmawati Jakarta Branch. The award was received directly by Bayu Indarta, Director, PT Kelompok Ksatria Indarta on March 10, 2021 at the Fatmawati ACC Branch Office in Jakarta.

"We were surprised to receive information about this award. As a new company and a recent customer of ACC, we did not expect to receive this award," said Bayu Indarta.

The ACC award program itself is a Customer Loyalty Program, in order to increase customer satisfaction with ACC.

IKG Obtain Credit Facility from BCA

Jakarta - IKG has once again won the trust of the national bank, Bank Central Asia (BCA) through Working Capital Loans to fund projects undertaken by PT Kelompok Ksatria Indarta.

The signing of the credit agreement was held at BCA KCP Kramat Jaya Baru, Central Jakarta in March 2021 between the Head of the BCA Branch and the Director of PT Grup Ksatria Indarta, Bayu Indarta.

"We thank BCA for trusting IKG. BCA's support is very much needed to finance the projects that we get," said Bayu Indarta.

IKG itself pocketed an income as of March 2021 of 2.1 billion rupiah, with a total contract of 5.2 billion rupiah based on the company's internal financial statements.

In the midst of the Covid19 pandemic situation, IKG managed to overcome this situation by posting positive growth and increasing company clients.

Currently IKG is working on projects from Ingersoll-Rand Indonesia, PT Nindya Karya (Persero), PT Pioner Beton, PT Adhimix and various other top companies.

"We are new, small, but with the client's trust, we will try to continue to grow, get new contracts, and become a bigger company," continued Bayu.

IKG Receives ISO 9001, 45001 and 14001 Certificates

Jakarta - In order to improve quality, work safety and the environment, PT Kelompok Ksatria Indarta (IKG) received the certificate of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management, ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety System and ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System which was certified by QSSM Indonesia on January 12, 2021.

ISO itself is an international standard for management systems that sets out various requirements, guidelines, and recommendations for the design and assessment of a Management Certification.

A company that has been certified to ISO can be said to have met international requirements in terms of a management system for the products/services produced.

As a construction and engineering company, IKG carries out work that has a high risk of occupational safety and health, especially projects in the Oil and Gas sector. For this reason, IKG Management always carries out continuous improvements to improve K3L and keep all IKG members protected from work accidents.

"We believe that our employees are company assets that must be protected, so that they can return home to meet their respective families," said Bayu Indarta, Director of PT Group Ksatria Indarta.

Ramadhan Sharing: IKG's Annual Program Welcoming the Ramadhan

Jakarta - In order to welcome theRamadan in 2021, IKG once again carried out the Ramadhan Sharing program. This program is implemented by PT Group Ksatria Indarta every year since 2019 IKG was established.

This time the activity was carried out around the IKG head office in the Blok M area, South Jakarta. Participated by all employees of the IKG head office, this Ramadhan Sharing activity was carried out by distributing iftar meals to visitors and workers around Blok M on Thursday (6 May 2021).

RUMAHPANDAI.ID Tawarkan Solusi Pemasangan Smart Home yang Mudah, Terjangkau dan Bergaransi

Jakarta - Tren penggunaan smart home kian meningkat tiap tahunnya. Berdasarkan data Global Web Index diperkirakan pada tahun 2022 lebih dari 63 juta rumah di Amerika telah mengadopsi smart home. Tahun 2010 yang lalu, Global Web Index menyatakan bahwa perangkat pintar yang terhubung dengan internet telah melebihi jumlah penduduk di dunia. Industri smart home sendiri tumbuh pesat dan pada tahun 2018 telah mencapai 1,1 kuadriliun Rupiah.

Di Indonesia, industri smart home juga berkembang pesat. “Sepanjang tahun 2021 ini, peluncuran produk-produk smart home terjadi hampir tiap bulan,” ungkap Bayu Indarta, Founder

Produk yang ditawarkan juga mudah diperoleh dan beragam. Mulai dari lampu, saklar, sensor gerak, temperatur, remote infra red, stop kontak dan lain-lain. “Semakin banyak produk yang ditawarkan, harga perangkat smart home semakin terjangkau dan diminati oleh masyarakat,” lanjut Bayu.

Perkembangan tersebut menjadi tantangan baru, karena konsumen harus memilih mana merek terbaik, teknis pemasangan yang tepat, dan yang menjamin keamanan data.

Beragam Merek dan Aplikasi Meski tiap produsen menawarkan produk yang memiliki keunggulan masing-masing, namun bagi konsumen harga masih menjadi pertimbangan utama. Selain dari varian dan jaminan kehandalan produknya sendiri.

Tiap produsen umumnya memiliki aplikasi sendiri untuk mengelola perangkat yang dijualnya. “Bisa dibayangkan, bila dalam satu rumah menggunakan beragam merek, tentunya ada beragam aplikasi juga yang harus ditanamkan di ponsel kita,” kata Bayu.

Di sinilah skenario agar setiap perangkat dapat bekerja sama wajib dibuat. Di samping itu, makin banyak aplikasi, risiko keamanan data menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Solusi

Menjawab segala tantangan tersebut, hadir dengan solusi pemasangan perangkat smart home yang mudah dan tanpa ribet. Kata Bayu, setiap perangkat smart home yang dibutuhkan dan didambakan untuk hadir di rumah, bisa langsung dinikmati dengan memakai jasa

“Jadi, rumah masyarakat di Indonesia bisa seperti rumah Tony Stark dalam The Avengers di mana setiap perangkat elektroniknya bisa dikontrol dengan perintah suara. Mulai dari hidup dan matikan lampu, AC, TV, hingga mengontrol sistem keamanan CCTV,” jelasnya.

Solusi yang ditawarkan meliputi konsultasi, jasa pemasangan, penjualan produk, serta penyetelan dan integrasi semua perangkat yang dimiliki konsumen dengan perangkat smart home. Bahkan, akan memberikan rekomendasi perangkat yang tepat dari berbagai merek yang ada, harga terjangkau, berkualitas dan handal, serta mudah diintegrasikan. Masyarakat kini tidak perlu lagi memilih mana yang terbaik, memasang dan menyetel perangkat itu sendiri serta menyampaikan keluhan bila ada masalah ke produsen.

Disamping itu, juga memberikan garansi pemasangan dan produk. Sehingga tidak perlu khawatir, bila terjadi gangguan, tim ahli akan langsung menyelesaikannya.

Saat ini melayani di wilayah Jakarta, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi. Kedepannya akan terus dikembangkan di kota-kota di Indonesia. Supaya semua lapisan masyarakat bisa memiliki smart home dengan mudah, terjangkau dan terjamin. dikembangkan oleh PT Ksatria Ciptadaya Solusi, bagian dari Indarta Knight Group ( Perusahaan ini bergerak dalam bidang jasa instalasi dan pengembangan teknologi otomasi Smart Home/ Office.

IKG Signed Loan Agreement with BRI

Tangerang - PT Kelompok Ksatria Indarta received a working capital loan from PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk to finance projects under by IKG.

The signing of the Credit Agreement was held on February 17, 2021 in Tangerang. The loan has a term of 12 months and bears annual interest at 9.5%.

The loan is the first bank loan obtained by IKG.

"We are grateful for BRI's trust in supporting IKG to continue to grow during a pandemic" said Yanus Bayu Indarta, CEO, PT Kelompok Ksatria Indarta.

Bayu continued, "First quarter of 2021, IKG received contract project with value of 3.7 billion Rupiah and it will continue to increase in line with the improving economic conditions in Indonesia."

BRI's support shows the credibility of IKG. "IKG still needs an efficient and effective source of financing to corporate growth sustainability." continued Bayu.

At the age of 20 months, IKG has managed to win the trust of banks and financial institutions such as Bank BRI, BFI Finance and Astra Credit Company (ACC) Finance.

Currently, IKG has 4 business lines, construction and engineering, logistics and freight forwarding, man power supplies, and machinery rental services and construction support equipment.


KEBUMEN - IKG members and communities around the project site in Kebumen, Central Java held a joint prayer event for the safety of all IKG members and the smooth running of the CYIII Project, especially pipe installation using the drilling method in the IKG mess, Jl Adikarso, Kebumen (25/10/2020).

The IKG management representative, J. Dodi, as the Project Coordinator conveyed a management message, so that all IKG members involved in this project always prioritize work safety and comply with all applicable procedures.

"Occupational safety and health should be a priority, considering that this project is a national project, in which PT Pertamina as the Project Owner, always upholds the implementation of K3 in contractors and subcontractors," said Dodi.

PT Kelompok Ksatria Indarta

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